StoryHill Church
scope of work
custom branding, website, collateral
neighborly, calm, refreshing, intentional, clean
x create a visual identity that would be intentional and clear, neighborly and relevant
x clearly communicate the upcoming launch along with the mission, vision, and values through an easy-to-navigate website and easy-to-read print mailers and materials
x cultivate an overall excitement in the community towards a new church on the hill

Josh & Emily came to us excited with so much excitement around their upcoming church launch. They were deep in the world of strategizing on so many fronts and were ready to tackle the website and branding beast. Through many conversations and various renditions, we loved getting to strategize alongside them. What started as a branding project evolved into a website and many other additional assets as the creative juices kept flowing!
StoryHill Church is located in southern wisconsin. They have a heart for people and a mission to know, live & tell the story of Jesus Christ.

With a cool-toned color palette, uncomplicated typography selections, and a variety of sub-marks and assets, we created a brand that stretches across all mediums and will (fingers crossed) stand the test of time.